To prepare amendments to the legislation on the licensing and permit system to eliminate conflicting…

To prepare amendments to the legislation on the licensing and permit system to eliminate conflicting provisions regarding the liability of officials of such authorities (including heads of control bodies) for failure to execute the SRS orders. In particular, these amendments should focus on eliminating violations in the following areas:-revocation of licenses;- registration of declarations of conformity of material and technical facilities with the law;-deadlines for submission of conclusions and results of examinations, surveys, and other scientific and technical assessments required for the issuance of a permit.

Based on the report:


State Regulatory Service, Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine,


Recommendation is no longer relevant

— коментарі: Протягом 2016-2019 років РБО не отримувалав скарг на відповідні процедури. Таким чином рекомендація не є актуальною і знята з контролю."

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