To ensure existence of effective legal framework on governing mechanism of authorized economic opera…
To ensure existence of effective legal framework on governing mechanism of authorized economic operators, which would be consistent with the relevant European Union legislation, – to ensure prompt adoption of the Draft Law of Ukraine No.7473, whose provisions would, inter alia, foresee:1.1.Grounds for extension (or suspension) of 120-day time period for conducting assessment of compliance with Authorized Economic Operator eligibility criteria to enable requesting from a candidate (and corresponding disclosure) of additional documents and information – for instance, when additional information is required to ensure a comprehensive compliance assessment, whose disclosure requires significant time.1.2.That existence of a pre-trial investigation in a criminal proceeding should not, by itself, constitute a self-sufficient ground for suspending Authorized Economic Operator status (contrary to what was envisaged by the Draft Law of Ukraine No.4777).1.3.That while contemplating revocation of Authorized Economic Operator status due to infringement of customs rules, it is mandatory to ascertain existence of connection between the amount of losses (losses of the State/unpaid taxes resulting from such infringements) and total invoice value of goods that were moved by an entity across customs border of Ukraine during period of time employed by customs administration for conducting such a comparison.
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine