To update the Explanation Letter, dated August 4, 2016 № 26593/7/ 99-99-19-01-01-17 or issue a new o…
To update the Explanation Letter, dated August 4, 2016 № 26593/7/ 99-99-19-01-01-17 or issue a new one or methodical recommendations for the customs to clarify the procedure for enforcing court decisions as well as decisions adopted within the framework of the administrative appeal procedure, approved in declarant’s favor. Due attention should be paid to the need to take into account not only the operative but also the reasoning part of the court decisions on the merits of the dispute. If a court decision were to find decision or action of the customs authority that led to (resulted in, caused) payment of excessive amount of customs duties as being erroneous or false – to state that such a language constitutes sufficient ground to proceed with the refund of overpaid sums of customs duties without initiating an additional judicial procedure.
State Customs Service