To redesign the process of the occupational safety education, amend Model Regulation on the Procedur…
To redesign the process of the occupational safety education, amend Model Regulation on the Procedure for Training and Knowledge Assessment on Occupational Safety Issues, approved with the Order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Supervision of Labor Protection No. 15 dated January 26, 2005 and other applicable acts, in particular, to: – grant a right to lecturers of private training centers, who trained employees, to be a part of examination commissions; – provide a detailed procedure with requirements for a request to assign an examination commission, as well as a concrete algorithm of actions, when such a commission does not arrive in time. – to develop and to approve a detailed procedure for assessment of knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health, which would eliminate ambiguities and excessive discretion inherent to the existing process, in particular – regarding allowed examination cards, additional questions, and success threshold.