To prepare and lodge with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Administr…
To prepare and lodge with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Administrative Procedure” (in replacement of the Draft Law No. 9456 of December 28, 2018) and, within its competence, to facilitate its adoption in order to further specify general provisions which were set forth in the Draft Law No. 9456 regarding:
Determining the appeal authority’s right to renew the missed deadline for lodging an appeal at the appellant’s request subject to existence of valid reasons, with an indicative non-exhaustive list of such valid reasons to be set forth in the legislation to be achieved by:
1) Extending non-exhaustive list of such valid reasons originally specified in the Draft Law No. 9456;
2) Determining obligation of the appeal authority to state the fact of renewal of the missed term for appeal, grounds for its renewal and evidence supporting these grounds – to be done in the decision on results of appeal consideration or in a separate procedural decision on time limits renewal.