To prepare and lodge with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Administr…
To prepare and lodge with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Administrative Procedure” (in replacement of the Draft Law No. 9456 of December 28, 2018) and, within its competence, to facilitate its adoption in order:
Authorizing public authorities to set up appeal commissions, whose activities shall comply with the minimum neutrality (impartiality) guarantees in accordance with the requirements established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding:
1) Method of forming composition of appeal commission on a permanent (for authorities with a significant number of appeals) or temporary (for authorities with a small number of appeals) basis, as well as method of distributing the administrative appeals in the manner excluding occurrence of conflict of interests;
2) Inclusion of civil society representatives to the appeal commission’s composition;
3) Procedure of recusal (self-recusal) of an appeal commission’s member;
4) Peculiarities of organizational, informational and logistic support aspects in the activities of appeal commission ensuring absence of its excessive dependence on a public authority under whose auspices it operates;
5) Competence of the public authority’s head to delegate his authority to adopt final decision upon completion of administrative appeal to the appeal commission acting as a collegial body.