To prepare and lodge with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Administr…
To prepare and lodge with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Administrative Procedure” (in replacement of the Draft Law No. 9456 of December 28, 2018) and, within its competence, to facilitate its adoption setting forth the rules governing delegation of powers to resolve administrative cases, which would foresee:
1) Obligation of public authorities to develop internal criteria determining when issuance of decision upon completion of administrative appeals shall be carried out directly by the head of a public authority or could be delegated to authorized persons (collegial bodies);
2) Rule that the delegated authority cannot be exercised by a person other than an authorized one;
3) Mandatory publication of decisions on delegation of powers in the framework of administrative appeal (as well as decisions on revocation and cancellation thereof);
4) Prohibition of further delegation (sub-delegation) of powers granted to authorized persons within the framework of the administrative appeal;
5) Possibility for further delegation (sub-delegation) of the signing authority by authorized persons within the framework of the administrative appeal.