To monitor and evaluate the work of local state administrations and their officials to ensure impart…

To monitor and evaluate the work of local state administrations and their officials to ensure impartial oversight and greater effectiveness in public administration, in line with the new Law of Ukraine “On the civil service.”

Based on the report:


Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services,



— comments: Monitoring and assessment of the of local state administrations and their officials activities is stipulated in the Draft Law "On Service in Local Self-Government Authorities" No.2489.The CMU Resolution No.987 dated 21 December 2011 "On Annual Reports of Heads of Oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol City State Administrations" obliges the Heads of Oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol City State Administrations to submit reports annually (by February 1) on exercising the assigned powers by the relevant state administrations as well as on the development status of the respective territory according to the established form.

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Next recommendation: To join forces with all-Ukrainian associations of LGAs to draft a law establishing the procedure for...