To organize professional development programs for officials in LGAs, local council deputies, and civ…

To organize professional development programs for officials in LGAs, local council deputies, and civil servants at LEBs to improve personnel quality for the decentralization process and the future functioning of local executive bodies and LGAs so that they can properly exercise their new powers; engage relevant state institutions, associations of local governments and civil society institutions in this process.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry,



— comments: The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services with the assistance of foreign partners (DESPRO, GIZ, UNDP, Dialog, U-LEAD, etc.), is carrying out measures to provide methodological and practical assistance to local authorities. Methodological recommendations have been developed; training seminars, lecture courses, exchange of positive experience take place regularly.Methodological support on prevention of corruption is carried out for civil servants and local authorities by the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service together with the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. About 70 000 employees are training each year.

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Next recommendation: To establish a constitutional basis for regulating the devolution of power and simultaneously instit...