To continue enhancing awareness amongst state and municipal authorities and business about the subst…

To continue enhancing awareness amongst state and municipal authorities and business about the substance of the forthcoming legal framework on state aid and the general implications stemming therefrom.

Based on the report:


Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine,



— comments: In August 2017, the separate Department on State Aid was formed at the AMCU. The Department in particular, provides explanations on the implementation of state aid legislation to the undertakings. Furthermore, the AMCU permanently conducts the relevant public events (220 events in 2017).In addition, due to the numerous letters from central and local government agencies, on 5 October 2017, the AMCU issued an explanation on the implementation of the state aid legislation No.35-pp/dd, which provides answers to the most common issues regarding the implementation of legislation in the field of state aid.

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Next recommendation: To maintain active dialogue with both providers and beneficiaries of state aid to discuss existing a...