In order to facilitate effective exercise of powers vested with the AMCU in connection with anti-tru…

In order to facilitate effective exercise of powers vested with the AMCU in connection with anti-trust clearance of privatization transactions, ensure that not only the AMCU itself but also other authorities should play active role in eliminating some of the existing impediments. Hence, the Council recommends as follows:a) To specify the exact scope of duties to be borne by each institution involved into privatisation process (for instance, the SPF, sectoral regulators, etc.).b) To introduce transparent procedure for the exchange of information between the AMCU and the relevant bodies (including the SPF, the regulators managing the state enterprise, bidders, etc.) for the purpose of the AMCU’s transaction clearance. If such an approach were to be employed (for instance, between the AMCU and the SPF), this would help addressing allegation of the business that the SPF might provide inaccurate or incomplete information about the potential target.

Based on the report:


State Property Fund of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine,


In process

— comments: On 18 January 2018 the VRU adopted the Law of Ukraine No.7066 "On privatization of state and municipal property (the Law No.7066"), which entered into force on 7 March 2018 and which, among other things, further specifies the powers of state authorities in the field of privatization.

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