To set up systematic internal oversight and penalize those employees who unreasonably hold up the is…

To set up systematic internal oversight and penalize those employees who unreasonably hold up the issuing of permits to developers, as required by current law.

Based on the report:





— comments: Regulation of the SACI, approved by the Resolution of the CMU No.294 dated 07 September 2014. (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.408 dated 07 June 2017), was amended respectively.In accordance with subpara. 12 of para. 4, SACI initiates holding the officials of supervision objects disciplinary liable. Subpara. 5 of para. 11 stipulates that the Head of SACI reports to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - the Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services on carrying out SACI plans and tasks assigned thereto, on elimination of violations and shortcomings, discovered during inspections of SACI, its territorial branches, as well as on holding officials liable for committed violations.

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Next recommendation: To extend its Inspection Plan, which is published on its official site, with a section that lists th...