The CPCU shall be comprehensively amended to provide for a special procedure of seizure of digital d…

The CPCU shall be comprehensively amended to provide for a special procedure of seizure of digital data, which, inter alia, would not contemplate seizure of computer hardware and would allow avoiding stoppage in the work of businesses due to seizure of servers. Hence, in the Council’s view, it is appropriate to introduce respective amendments to the Chapter 20 (“Investigatory actions”) of the CPCU.

Based on the report:


Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,



— comments: The BOC's recommendation has been implemented via adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On amending certain laws to ensure enforcement of the rights of the parties to the criminal proceeding and other persons by the law enforcement authorities during the pre-trial investigation" dated 16 November 2017 No.2213-VIII (Article 168 of the CPCU).

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