To amend Article 214 of the CPCU to impose a duty on investigator/prosecutor to notify an applicant …

To amend Article 214 of the CPCU to impose a duty on investigator/prosecutor to notify an applicant about their receipt of application or notification about committed criminal offence, registration of the respective data with the URPTI and commencement of pretrial investigation based on such application/notification.

Based on the report:


Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,



— comments: The BOC's recommendation has been implemented via adoption the Law of Ukraine "On amending certain laws regarding enforcement of the rights of the parties to the criminal proceeding and other persons by the law enforcement authorities during the pre-trial investigation" dated 16 November 2017 No.2213-VIII.

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Next recommendation: To amend Article 214 of the CPCU to impose a duty on investigator/prosecutor to explain to an applic...