To amend legislation to increase the threshold amount of actual sums due to be paid to the budget (a…

To amend legislation to increase the threshold amount of actual sums due to be paid to the budget (arising from the unpaid taxes, levies and unified social tax), triggering treatment of such action at the part of taxpayer as criminal offence.

Based on the report:


Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,



— comments: On 18 September 2019, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine on Reducing Pressure on Business". The law decriminalizes fictitious entrepreneurship (provided for in Article 205 of the CC) and raises the thresholds for bringing individuals to justice under Article 212 of the CC. The threshold for criminal proceeding initiation increased from 960 500 UAH to 2 881 500 UAH.

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