To draft amendments to the respective asset valuation methodology to improve the base for assessing …

To draft amendments to the respective asset valuation methodology to improve the base for assessing and verifying results.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, State Property Fund of Ukraine,


In process

— comments: The representatives of the NEURC, together with the SPFU representatives, participated in the working group on development of amendments to the Methodology for valuation of assets of natural monopolies entities, business entities on adjacent markets in the field of combined production of power and heat energy, approved by the SPFU Order No.293, dated 12 March 2013. Based on Working Group joint work results and cooperation with the USAID Project consultants, the changes were prepared for consideration and proposals, as well as sent for the SPFU’s consideration by the letter No.1510/18/7-17 dated 13 February 2017. Preparatory work for introduction of incentive management in the field of heat supply with respect to development of aggregate cost of reproduction value, which shall be attached to the Methodology, is carried out directly by the participants of the pilot project, namely PJSC "Kyivenergo" and PJSC "Oblteplocomunenergo" in Chernihiv with the participation of the State Enterprise "Scientific - Research institute of Building Production”.

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Next recommendation: To provide a training program for both the staff and licensees on the RAB methodology application.