To renew the rules for connecting to water supply and sewage systems so that they regulate, among ot…

To renew the rules for connecting to water supply and sewage systems so that they regulate, among others, the issue of providing/receiving Technical Specifications, establishing the hooking-up fees for the water supply and sewage networks based on a formula using the costs of the works and services needed at various stages in this process.The new rules should clearly define “access” and “connection/hook-up” as well as contain norms that regulate a number of issues related to:issuing and receiving hook-up permission;drawing up construction blueprints showing the water and sewage connections;providing and receiving Technical Specifications, which includes establishing the order or methodology for formulating the value of specification issuing services;establishing the procedure for paying for a hook-up that includes the value of works and services at various stages of this process, including works and services related to hooking up to water supply and sewage networks;determining the equity contribution, with th s intention of preventing cases where customers are pressured under the guise of an equity contribution to buy materials and/or to carry out certain works on behalf of the provider that are not directly related to the procedure of hooking up ordered by the customer;covering temporary connections;launching networks for further transporting of water resources;changing ownership to prevent abuse and setting excessive installation requirements.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services, National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission,


In process

— comments: According to the information provided by the NEURC and the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services, the latter is currently working on amendments to the Rules for the use of centralized municipal water supply and sewage systems in settlements of Ukraine, in particular, to regulate the issue of specifications for hooking-up to centralized water supply and sewage systems. The relevant task is included in the Plan of applied scientific and technical developments in the priority areas of activity in the spheres of construction, housing and communal services and regional development of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services in 2017. To date, the relevant changes have not been developed and approved.

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Next recommendation: To make the necessary adjustments so that the hooking-up fee for the gas networks is calculated base...