To ensure that the local tax authorities are trained and prepared to effectively support the taxpaye…

To ensure that the local tax authorities are trained and prepared to effectively support the taxpayers with all kinds of issues arising in connection with the implementation of VAT electronic administration. Besides, the State Fiscal Service shall promptly collect information about typical problems arising in connection with the VAT electronic administration followed by the practice of issuing formal clarifications.

Based on the report:


State Tax Service of Ukraine,


In process

— comments: This recommendation has been discussed many times during the meetings between the BOC and the SFS. Although, the SFS provides taxpayers with explanations of the most typical problems, the territorial tax authorities are usually not ready to effectively support taxpayers for all types of issues arising from the functioning of the electronic system of VAT administration.

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Next recommendation: To ensure stability of respective laws and regulations, once the deficiencies in the VAT electronic ...