To eliminate the requirement of depositing the balance of VAT accounts with operational cash from th…

To eliminate the requirement of depositing the balance of VAT accounts with operational cash from the Tax Code due to its’ non-compliance with the best international practices and harmful effect for the day-today activities of the taxpayers. Thus, VAT electronic administration shall cease to be employed as a tool for replenishing state budget through cash advances and start performing its core administrative function.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Finance, State Tax Service of Ukraine,


Recommendation is no longer relevant

— коментарі: Відповідні поп— comments: Respective amendments were proposed by the BOC during the discussion of amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine in December 2015. However, the proposals were not approved by the Ministry of Finance.равки були запропоновані РБО під час обговорення змін до Податкового кодексу України у грудні 2015 р. Проте пропозиції не були прийняті Мінфіном.

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Next recommendation:  To ensure proper technical functioning and maintenance of the VAT electronic administration system....