To organize the system of state evaluations of goods subject to export control in a way to optimize …

To organize the system of state evaluations of goods subject to export control in a way to optimize costs, resources and time for businesses. Businesses should have access to licensed expert organizations on the territory of Ukraine. The State Export Control Service should ensure the optimal infrastructure for dual-use goods evaluations, which includes (a) licensed expert organizations in export control for all types of dual-use goods, (b) information on the official web-page, (c) awareness-raising events for the business community that engage in foreign economic activity involving dual-use goods.

Based on the report:


State Export Control Service, Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine,



— comments: The list of expert organizations that have the authority to carry out activities related to the preliminary identification of goods in the field of state export control is posted on the official website of the State Export Control Service.Awareness-raising events for the business community that engage in foreign economic activity involving dual-use goods is carried out during seminars and conferences, as well as within the framework of the “hotline”.

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