To amend Cabinet Resolution No.155 dated 15 February 2002: To draw up an exhaustive list of grounds …

To amend Cabinet Resolution No.155 dated 15 February 2002: To draw up an exhaustive list of grounds for refusal to register export contracts to avoid any abuse of powers by MEDT officials and misinterpretations of regulatory norms; To set a time limit for the Ministry to decide on the registration of export contracts; To introduce a procedure to appeal a negative decision; To establish clear deadlines for re-registering export contracts in case of fluctuations in the world market, as provided in Para. 11 of the Cabinet Resolution.

Based on the report:


Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine,



— comments: The Government abolished the registration of contracts for the export of scrap metal by the CMU Resolution No.1035 dated 28 December 2012 (the CMU Resolution No.155 dated 15 February 2002 has lost its effect).

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