Develop amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Scrap Metal” regarding the regulation of ex…

Develop amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Scrap Metal” regarding the regulation of export and import to modernize the legislation and improve the economic and legal provisions related to operations with scrap metal.

Based on the report:


Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine,



— comments: Part one of Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Scrap Metal” regarding obligatory registration of contracts (agreements, treaties) for the export of scrap metal was excluded based on the Law No.1455-VIII dated 12 July 2016. The resolution of the issue is foreseen by the Draft Law of Ukraine No.7497 "On Unshadowing of the Market of Metallurgical Raw Materials (on amendments to certain legislative acts concerning operations with scrap metal)" which was registered with the VRU on 17.01.2018. The Draft Law is supported by the MEDT and the representatives of the metallurgical industry. Current status - pending review.

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Next recommendation: To bring legislation on quota allocation of the scrap metal in line with Ukraine’s WTO commitm...