To hook up a customer’s power unit to power network pursuant to contract only (without filing a sepa…

To hook up a customer’s power unit to power network pursuant to contract only (without filing a separate application).


Based on the report:


Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Residential Services,


In process

— comments: In accordance with the Section 3 of the Code on Distribution Systems, the DSO/oblenergo implements long-term planning for the development of the distribution system, including conducting all the necessary researches and assessments/forecasts. For this purpose, the DSO develops a DSO Development Plan, which is to be submitted for approval to the Regulator in accordance with this Code.The DSO Development Plan is a document that contains the planned items of new construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the distribution system for the next 5 calendar years, with the definition of the required amount of investment and the timing for the implementation of the relevant measures.Therefore, we assume that the electrification of a certain territory may be included to the DSO development plan.

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