To strengthen efforts aimed at properly informing both the professional circles and general public a…

To strengthen efforts aimed at properly informing both the professional circles and general public about the status and actual scope of authority vested with these commissions; here emphasis shall be placed on procedural breaches that constituted ground for cancellation of registration actions, – such information should be periodically disclosed at least in the aggregated form.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Justice,



— comments: A separate section is available at the Ministry of Justice website, which describes the activity of the State Commission on Complaints Consideration in the Sphere of State Registration; the Ministry's management constantly informs the public via media, as well as placement in social networks. The same work is conducted by the leadership of the main territorial departments of justice in regions and Kyiv city.

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Next recommendation: To initiate certain amendments to the legislation aimed at preventing breaches of the existing terri...