To introduce the system of notification of owners of a legal entity or their representatives (by for…

To introduce the system of notification of owners of a legal entity or their representatives (by forwarding messages to e-mail and, as an additional administrative service, SMS-messages) of the receipt by the state registrars of the applications for registration actions in respect of such legal entity and/or its separate subdivision


Based on the report:


Ministry of Justice,


In process

— comments: Upon the results of the meeting of the Ministry of Justice, State Enterprise "NAIS" and the World Bank, starting from October, 2017, and as of today, the State Enterprise "NAIS" jointly with the representative of the technical cooperation project "Support to reforms in agriculture and land relations in Ukraine" of the World Bank take measures for introduction of this service (without involvement of commercial organizations in the process of rendering specified services) as regards notifying of pending changes with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Formations (corporate rights). In particular, the concept and task specification of the relevant software are currently being approved.

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