To develop and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, while the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukra…

To develop and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, while the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine – to submit to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the Draft Law of Ukraine introducing amendments to the TCU, which will vest the taxpayer with the right to receive from the State Budget of Ukraine interests at a rate equal to 120% of the discount rate of the NBU, established at the time of accrual of interests, for the entire period during which such a taxpayer was unlawfully deprived of a right to form VAT tax credit or reduce its VAT tax liabilities, and to have the amount of its registration limit in the SEA VAT increased accordingly, due to illicit refusal to register suspended TI/AC with the URTI. Interests should be accrued from the date of entry into force of the decision of the relevant Commission on refusal in registration of TI/AC till the day when TI/AC is actually registered with the URTI on the basis of a court decision.

Based on the report:


Ministry of Finance, State Tax Service of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,


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Next recommendation: To prepare a summary of court practice of the ACC/SC in this category of cases, which would describe...