To issue a letter of explanation binding for all regional tax authorities (or other similar document…
To issue a letter of explanation binding for all regional tax authorities (or other similar document, such as methodological guidelines, internal procedure of the STS, etc.), and/or, if necessary, to develop and submit for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (while the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine – to approve) a package of amendments to the Procedure No. 1165 to Establish minimal standards of substantiation (justification) of decisions evidencing adherence of a taxpayer to risk criteria. It should be clearly stated that such decisions must include at least the following information: ‐ exact sources of tax information used; ‐ what business transactions are risky, with indication of names of counterparties and their Tax IDs; types of business transactions; codes of types of goods or services; ‐ reference to specific signs evidencing risky nature of such business transactions.