The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the State Tax Service of Ukraine – to develop and submi…
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the State Tax Service of Ukraine – to develop and submit for the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, while the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine – to submit to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the Draft law of Ukraine introducing amendments to Article 120-1 of the TCU. Such amendments should provide that if taxpayer is subjected to penalty (financial sanction) foreseen by Article 123 of the TCU due to accrual by tax authority of VAT liabilities or reduction of the amount of VAT refund due under particular transaction related to supply of goods/services – penalties provided for in paragraph two of this paragraph and clause 120-1.1 of this Article shall not apply to such a taxpayer. Alternatively, amendments may be introduced to clause 201.10 of Article 201 of the TCU, where a special period for registration of TI / AC in case of accrual of VAT liability by tax authority could be specified, starting from the date when the respective VAT obligation acquires “agreed” status.