To adjust the administrative practice, when applying certain legislation, with regard to the case-la…
To adjust the administrative practice, when applying certain legislation, with regard to the case-law on similar issues. This should provide not only for formal monitoring, but also for a real change in the law application practice of a state body. In particular, to amend the regulations related to the administrative appeal procedure and to oblige the authorities to add a brief overview of the relevant court practice in the text of each decision made as a result of the administrative appeal procedure and/or to make the decision in line with the court practice or to provide relevant reasoning for deviations from it. The criterion for changing law application practice may be a significant change in the results of court proceedings (up to the rate of decision-making to satisfy the claim of business entities to the state body no more than 40% in the respective categories of cases) or a significant reduction in the total number of lawsuits (mutatis mutandis/in other conditions being equal).