
The Verkhovna Rada approves Anticorruption Strategy until 2025 — Business Ombudsman’s role enshrined in the document

The Business Ombudsman Council welcomes the adoption of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of Ukraine till 2025. 310 People’s Deputies voted for the decision today.
The anti-corruption strategy is designed to organize systemic work of all public authorities combating corruption. The document enshrines the Business Ombudsman Institution role in minimizing corruption risks and introducing effective regulation, as well as identifies the need to develop cooperation between state bodies with the BOC in implementing its systemic recommendations and removing obstacles to doing business in Ukraine.
The document, in particular, provides for the adoption of a law on the Business Ombudsman Institution to help prevent corruption and violation of  legal rights and interests of entrepreneurs affected by public authorities’ and local governments’ malpractice.
The strategy defines five anti-corruption principles, including:
More information: https://bit.ly/3beST5c 

  • optimization of functions of the state and local self-government, particularly elimination of different bodies‘ powers duplication;
  • digital transformation of powers exercised by public authorities and local governments, transparency and disclosure of data;
  • creation of more convenient and legal ways to meet the needs of individuals and legal entities in contrast to existing corrupt practices;
  • ensuring inevitability of legal liability for corruption and corruption-related offenses;
  • formation of public intolerance to corruption, establishment of the integrity culture and respect for the rule of law.
  • Next news: A statement of the Business Ombudsman regarding the appeal of Espreso, Pryamyi and Channel 5 on the helpline