Yesterday the meeting of the Committee on Ukraine’s integration in the European Union took place. During the meeting the deputies discussed the Draft Law #3607 on the Business Ombudsman Council in Ukraine.
The author of the Draft Law Dmytro Kysylevskyi and the Business Ombudsman Marcin Swiecicki joined the meeting with a short presentation on why the law adoption is needed.
The Committee analyzed the compliance of the document with the EU acquis and Ukraine’s obligations under the Association Agreement. The deputies unanimously adopted the conclusion that the Draft Law does not contradict the international legal obligations in the field of European integration. The deputies presented certain recommendations on the Draft Law provisions that require improvement. Therefore, the Draft Law has already gained support of three Committee – earlier the document was supported by the Committee on Economic Development and the Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy. We are looking forward to the Draft Law consideration at the plenary meeting of the Parliament.

The Draft Law №3607 does not contradict the international legal obligations in the field of European integration — Committee on Ukraine’s integration in the EU