In partnership with, the Business Ombudsman Council launches a “Business Lessons” special project – a series of video interviews with the Council’s complainants – Ukrainian top managers and business owners. Together with renowned journalists, the BOC draws attention to the issues of doing business in Ukraine and showcases human stories smashing the stereotype about bribery being the only way to succeed.
We ask top managers difficult questions: about real leadership, genuine Ukrainian competition and what they are making money on. This is a project for those who want to understand how successful business in Ukraine is organized, and most importantly – thanks to what it became successful.
The first episode is with Carlsberg Ukraine CEO Evgeny Shevchenko. In the 5 years that Evgeny has been managing the company, it became the Ukrainian beer market leader. What are business lessons we can learn from the country’s main brewer?
Watch the video at:
Read the summary of the most interesting things from interview on portal

The Business Ombudsman Council launches “Business Lessons” special project in partnership with