
Survey “Legal and regulatory enterprises’ problems in defense sector”

The Council is looking into legal and regulatory barriers of enterprises working for Ukraine’s defense needs.

In the survey, we kindly ask you to rate how the state apparatus enhances your enterprise’s performance. Our goal is to improve defense sector enterprises’ operating environment and development. For this purpose, the Council regularly develops systemic recommendations to state bodies and promotes their implementation.

If you:

  • Produce UAV, EW, military equipment and its components, ammunition etc.,
  • Import dual military use products, raw materials or components,
  • Provide military equipment repair/modernization services, other dedicated services,
  • Deal with R&D in defense sector. 

We invite you to take the survey: https://bit.ly/3OrDdMg

Deadline: December 20 inclusive

We are grateful for your time and participation in the survey. Join it and support effective solutions development for building up Ukraine’s defense sector!

Next news: Questionnaire "Do you agree with the determined minimum cost-estimate wage in construction in Ukraine?"