October 15, 2019. – Today Marcin Święcicki assumes the post of the Business Ombudsman in Ukraine. Mr Święcicki is taking over the position from Algirdas Šemeta, who was the first Business Ombudsman in Ukraine. During 4 years of operations, the Business Ombudsman Council has processed over 6,100 complaints from companies on malpractice of state bodies and helped businesses to recover over UAH 17 billion.
Marcin Święcicki noted, that he is excited to take on this new role in Ukraine. “We have seen the Council as an effective organization helping companies in Ukraine to protect their legal rights. It will be my priority to get the law on the Business Ombudsman Institution finally adopted by the Verkhovna Rada. With a law in action the Council will have more tools to identify and eliminate systemic issues faced by entrepreneurs as well as facilitate an effective dialogue between business and state bodies.”
Mr Święcicki is a Polish politician and economist, the former Minister for Foreign Economic Relations and the Deputy Minister of Economy, as well as the Mayor of Warsaw. For the last 8 years he was a Member of Sejm in Poland, where he served as a Deputy Chair of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Group. He also consulted the Ukrainian government on the decentralization reform in 2014-2015 and chaired the EU-UNDP “Blue Ribbon” project in Kyiv in 2007-2011.
Members of the Business Ombudsman Council’s Supervisory Board welcomed Mr Święcicki in his new position and reiterated their willingness to develop cooperation with the institution:
Matteo Patrone, the EBRD Managing Director Eastern Europe and the Caucasus: “Five years ago, the government of Ukraine, the EBRD, the OECD and several Ukrainian business associations agreed to set up a post of Business Ombudsman. This was a major step forward towards the improvement of Ukraine’s investment climate. Over this period, the Business Ombudsman has become firmly established as a powerful advocate for domestic and foreign investors in this country. I would like to express my gratitude for the outstanding contribution made by the first Business Ombudsman, Algirdas Šemeta, and his team.
I also wish every success to Marcin Święcicki, who is taking over the position of Business Ombudsman. I would also like to thank all the contributors to the Multi-Donor Account for Ukraine which was established at the EBRD and through which we support this important undertaking”.
Mathilde Mesnard, the OECD Deputy Director for Financial and Enterprise Affairs: “The OECD is proud to be one of the founders of the Business Ombudsman Council of Ukraine. This institution became an important player in promoting responsible conduct and integrity among Ukrainian companies. Its professionalism and independence are key for ensuring trust in the business community and influence with the government. We welcome Mr Marcin Święcicki as the new Business Ombudsman of Ukraine and wish him success. The OECD will stand by the Business Ombudsman Council in its future activities.”
Dmytro Romanovych, Deputy Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine: “The Business Ombudsman Council has proven itself to be an effective mediator in the relationship between business and government . We congratulate the new head of this institution, a Polish politician and economist Marcin Święcicki, on his appointment. Together we will continue working to improve business environment in the country“.
Andy Hunder, the President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine: “On behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, I would like to congratulate Marcin Święcicki on his appointment as Business Ombudsman. For 5 years, the Business Ombudsman Council has been a reliable counterpart of AmCham Ukraine on issues related to protecting business interests and making business climate better. We are grateful to Algirdas Semeta for mutually beneficial cooperation that resulted in many successful cases like ‘MaskShowStop’ law and anti-raiding issues. We wish Marcin Święcicki a successful term in his new role and look forward to working together for the benefit of Ukraine’s business community at large’’.
Anna Derevyanko, the Executive Director of the European Business Association: “On behalf of the European Business Association, we congratulate the new Business Ombudsman on his appointment. We hope that together with such institutions we will be able to improve the business climate in the country and, accordingly, to develop the economy. So we wish you luck, excitement and inspiration in this not easy but interesting post.”
Gennadiy Chyzhykov, the President of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: “The work of the Business Ombudsman’s office has been increasingly effective. Its success is determined by all the accomplished KPIs, which are backed by concrete results of protected business rights. The CCI of Ukraine, as a member of the Supervisory Board, congratulates on the appointment of a new business ombudsman, a well-known statesman and expert Marcin Święcicki. We believe that his knowledge and experience will continue these difficult but necessary activities for the country!”
Anatoliy Kinakh, the President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: “The Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs sees in the beginning of activity of newly elected Business Ombudsman in Ukraine Marcin Święcicki the possibility of further strengthening the influence of the Business Ombudsman Council as an institution improving the business climate in the country, establishing international standards of healthy economic competition and business integrity”.

Marcin Święcicki – the new Business Ombudsman in Ukraine