
Joint seminars on business protection with UNBA: registration open

The Business Ombudsman Council, jointly with the Business and Investor Protection Committee of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (UNBA), arrange a series of workshops for lawyers and entrepreneurs. Looking forward to seeing you!
When: March 5, 2020, 5 pm – 7pm
Topic: “Business Complaints about Law Enforcement Actions and Omission: How Can the BOC Help?” 
Points for discussion: 
•    General information about the Business Ombudsman Council. Statistics and results in dealing with law enforcers. 
•    What complaint eligibility criteria should be met when lodging a complaint with the Council for the company to resolve its issue as soon as possible. 
•    Tools used by the Council when dealing with law enforcers. Examples of success stories. 
•    The Council’s practice of investigating complaints about taxation related criminal proceedings. The importance of implementing the Council’s systemic recommendations. 
•    Non-enforcement of court decisions by law enforcers: what to do if the problem affected your business. 
•    Statutory regulation of keeping record of and storage of property seized as a result of searched: how the Council can help you. 
•    Summary. Recommendations for businesses and attorneys on filing complaints about actions and omission of law enforcement agencies.
Speakers: Oleksii Spivak and Andrii Bodnarchuk
When: TBD
Topic: “Problems for Businesses in the Tax Sphere: the BOC’s Experience in Investigating 4000 Complaints” 
Points for discussion: 
•    General information on the Business Ombudsman Council. How the Council can assist businesses in dealing with tax authorities. What to keep in mind when appealing to the Council.
•    What are the most common tax complaints from businesses? 
•    Specific nature of business complaints related to the work of SMKOR system: tax invoices suspension, high-risk taxpayers lists. 
•    Problematic issues faced by businesses during tax audits and challenging their results. 
•    Business complaints against the Tax Police.
•    Peculiarities of complaints related to SEA VAT operation.
•    Current VAT refund complaints’ trends.
•    Summary. Recommendations for businesses and attorneys on tax complaints. Q&A.
Speakers: Volodymyr Zabudskyi and Volodymyr Kutsenko
When: April 9, 2020, 5 pm – 7 pm
Topic: “Business Complaints about Non-Enforcement of Judgements. BOC’s Practice”
Points for discussion: 
•    General information on the Business Ombudsman Council. State of judgments enforcement of in Ukraine. Statistics of complaints received by the Council regarding non-enforcement of court decisions. 
•    What complaint eligibility criteria should be met when lodging a complaint with the Council for the company to resolve its issue as soon as possible. Tools used by the Council in dealing with complaints about non-enforcement of judgments.
•    The Council’s practice of investigating complaints related to enforcement of binding decisions taken against public authorities (performing registration actions, database adjustment, etc.). Examples of success stories. 
•    Problematic issues of court decisions enforcement on collection of funds from the state budget. Non-enforcement of court decisions by law enforcement. Practical cases.
•     Practical overview of legal liability for non-enforcement of court decisions. The importance of implementing the Council’s systemic recommendations.
•     Summary. Recommendations for businesses and lawyers on filing complaints about non-enforcement of court decisions by state bodies. Q&A.
Speaker: Oleksii Spivak 
Participation is free of charge subject to preliminary registration via UNBA: http://bit.ly/2TkX42Q 
Venue: UNBA Office, 3, Borysohlibska St. 

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