
“Government agencies should focus on implementing our systemic recommendations,” the Business Ombudsman of Ukraine Algirdas Śemeta

In the first quarter of 2017, the BOC received 264 complaints from the business and closed a record number of investigations in the Council’s history – 206.
The BOC’s team helped entrepreneurs recover UAH 1.1 billion in the first quarter. In dozens of cases, the BOC facilitated in approving tax records, signing contracts with government agencies, obtaining permits and licenses, closing criminal proceedings.
Tax issues remained the most pressing for Ukrainian business (45% of all complaints received), yet the number of tax-related queries dropped by 16% since previous quarter. Business also complained about the actions of local councils and municipalities, law enforcement agencies and customs issues. Compared to the previous quarter, the number of complaints regarding the actions of the Prosecutor’s Office increased by 60%, although in the reporting quarter the cooperation with the Prosecutor’s Office significantly improved.
Small and medium-sized businesses remained the main source of complaints (70%). Complaints were coming predominantly from wholesalers, manufacturers, agribusiness and real estate. Most active complainants were in the city of Kyiv (98) as well as in Kyiv (23), Odesa (23) and Kharkiv (20) regions. 73% of complaints were lodged by Ukrainian companies. The significant shift a 25% rise of inquiries from businesses with foreign investment in comparison to the previous quarter.
The State Fiscal Service as well as local councils and municipalities top the chart of government agencies subject to most complaints – 53% and 9% respectively out of all complaints received. Inquiries regarding state enterprises reduced by half, Ministry of Infrastructure and state funds dropped off the list.
Government agencies implemented 86% of the BOC’s recommendations by the end of the first quarter.
“I am glad that the absolute majority of companies that lodged complaints to us – 94% – is satisfied with the result of our cooperation. Thanks to the efficient dialogue with government agencies, we are now achieving good results on specific investigations. Still, I believe that government agencies should seriously focus on implementing our systemic recommendations so that the business climate in the country change for the better more rapidly”, said the Business Ombudsman Algirdas Śemeta.
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Next news: ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 19, press briefing will take place on the occasion of launching the Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance