
Business Ombudsman Roman Waschuk met with journalists: results of 2023

Recently, Business Ombudsman of Ukraine Roman Waschuk met with media representatives in his office. Mr. Waschuk summarized the results of 2023 for the Ukrainian business climate and highlighted the problems entrepreneurs most often face in their relations with government agencies and turn to the Council for help.

Key indicators of the Business Ombudsman Council in 2023:

  • 1336 complaints received
  • 718 cases closed
  • 61% of cases were resolved successfully
  • The financial effect for business reached UAH 1 billion.
  • 97% of entrepreneurs are satisfied with the BOC’s services

Geography of complaints

  • м. Kyiv – 38%
  • Lviv region – 8%
  • Odesa region – 7%
  • Kyiv region – 6%
  • Kharkiv region – 6%

Business size

  • Small/Medium – 65%
  • Large companies – 35%

Origin of capital

  • Ukrainian companies – 85%
  • Foreign companies – 15%

Top 3 categories of requests

  1. Tax issues – 64%
  2. Actions of law enforcement agencies – 12%
  3. Customs issues – 8%.

Learn more about the Council’s main areas of work in the brochure.

Next news: Prosecutor's Office and business: dialogue about legality. Results of the meeting of January 24, 2024