Mr. Šemeta met with the Head of regional state administration Yurii Tkachenko, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, governmental authorities and law-enforcement bodies.
«Since May 2015, we have received 530 complaints for Ukrainian entrepreneurs. We dismissed 192 as they didn’t meet the Council’s criteria, investigated and successfully closed 111 cases and are currently have 176 complaints in preliminary assessment”, said Algirdas Šemeta. “At the moment all complaints are very satisfied with working with us”.
Business representatives took the floor to let the Business Ombudsman know about the difficulties in doing business they face. The issues raised included lack of power on the side of local authorities to solve their problems, activity of state monopolies (fist and foremeost oblenergo), intervention of enforcement bodies, responsibility of state officials for breaching the law (despite the Moratorium imposed by CabMin), big fines, unfair competition on the part of shadow business. Entrepreneurs also voiced their concern regarding restriction of single tax use envisaged in the project draft to the Tax code..
We would like to remind that the visit to Cherkasy was performed within the framework of the working visits program of the Business Ombudsman to the regions of Ukraine, where Mr. Šemeta meets entrepreneurs and officials to discuss key problems they face while doing business and the possibilities for improvement of investment potential of the regions. Mr. Šemeta has already visited 8 regions: Chernigiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odesa, Rivne and Volyn regions.

Business Ombudsman Paid a Working Visit to Cherkasy Region