Today, two institutions established after the Revolution of Dignity aiming to fight corruption — the National Agency for Corruption Prevention and the Business Ombudsman Council met.
The parties discussed amendments to the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2020-2024, which is awaiting a second reading in the Verkhovna Rada. Marcin Święcicki underlined: “In the Anti-Corruption Strategy, it is important to reflect the role of the Business Ombudsman Council as a tool to minimize corrupt practices and improve the business environment in Ukraine.”
“The Anti-Corruption Strategy was developed on the basis of a survey, one of the main audiences of which was business. Thus, we have identified the main issues for entrepreneurs who need an urgent solution. The strategy proposes consistent measures to create transparent and clear rules for interaction between business and government and focuses on such areas as state regulation of the economy, taxes and customs, and the public and private sectors of the economy ”, pointed out Oleksandr Novikov, the Chairman of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention.
In addition to the Business Ombudsman and the Chairman of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention, the meeting was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention Ivan Presniakov, the EBRD Deputy Director for Ukraine Iryna Kravchenko, Principal Counsellor Anna Kozhemiachenko and Head of the Office of the National Investment Council of Ukraine Olga Magaletska.
It should be mentioned that in 2016, the BOC and the the National Agency for Corruption Prevention signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation. Successful implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy requires cooperation of all stakeholders that are state bodies, business and international partners.

Business Ombudsman Council held a meeting with National Agency for Corruption Prevention