
BOC published systemic reports with recommendations to the Government regarding criminal prosecution and monopolies

Business Ombudsman Council published reports for Quarter IV of 2015 with systemic recommendations for the Government of Ukraine on employing mechanism of criminal prosecution to inflict pressure on business and on behavior of natural monopolies.
Systemic report “Abuse of powers by the law enforcement authorities in their relations with business” prepared by Iaroslav Gregirchak, Deputy Business Ombudsman, can be viewed here: https://boi.org.ua/media/uploads/q4/sysrep_criminal_eng_final.pdf
Systemic report “Natural monopolies vs Competitive Business: how to improve relations” prepared by Tetyana Korotka, Deputy Business Ombudsman, can be viewed here: https://boi.org.ua/media/uploads/q4/sysrep_monopolies_eng_final.pdf
In 2015, the BOC prepared 6 reports with systemic recommendations for the Government of Ukraine on: getting access to electricity; problems with business activity due to Anti-Terrorist operation and the annexation of Crimea; administrating business taxes; and problems with cross-border trading in Ukraine (two of them – on employing mechanism of criminal prosecution to inflict pressure on business and on behavior of natural monopolies were presented during the press conference on February 4, 2016). By the end of 2015, governmental agencies implemented 81% out of all recommendations issued by the BOC. 
All BOC’s reports can be viewed here: https://boi.org.ua/en/publications/reports

Next news: On March 2, 2016, Business Ombudsman Paid a Visit to Zhytomyr