
BOC and Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko agree to cooperate

Kyiv City Hall is one of the first local administrations to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership with the Business Ombudsman Council. The purpose of the Memorandum is to improve collaboration between the Kyiv Municipal State Administration (KMDA) and companies operating in the capital.
The Memorandum calls for setting up an expert group that will review complaints from businesses regarding the actions or inactions of municipal agencies. This group will include officials from the KMDA and, on the Council’s side, the Business Ombudsman’s deputy and one inspector. Kyiv City Hall and the BOC will review specific complaints against the work of the KMDA and its subordinate units, and will cooperate to improve legislation governing business activities and remove barriers that inhibit doing business in Kyiv.
Algirdas Semeta thanked Mayor Klitschko for the quick work drafting the Memorandum that, in the opinion of the Ombudsman, will be a roadmap to cooperation between City Hall and business circles.
“All the memoranda that we have signed with government agencies have proved to be documents that work,” said Business Ombudsman Algirdas Semeta. “I’m confident that the Memorandum that we have signed today will allow us to more quickly and effectively cooperate on business issues in Ukraine’s capital.”
Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko stated, in turn, “As a municipal government, we understand that working effectively with business is, first of all, the conditions that are provided for business to operate under. Clear rules for everyone, no red tape, and no corruption. The signing of this Memorandum with the Business Ombudsman Council should be the first step toward activating effective cooperation between the capital’s administration and city businesses.”
Previously, the Business Ombudsman Council signed Memoranda of Cooperation with the State Fiscal Service, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the State Regulatory Service, the Ministry of Justice, and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.
Memorandum on Partnership and Cooperation

Next news: Business Ombudsman Council Receives 1000 Complaints from Ukrainian Entrepreneurs