On February 4, 2016 (Thursday) at14:30, Algirdas Semeta, Business Ombudsman, will Present BOC’s Quarterly Report (IV Quarter of Operations) and key figures for 2015.
Mr. Semeta will present the results of the Council’s work – main problems the businessmen faced last year, the state of implementing the Council’s recommendations by government authorities and the results of reports of the previous reporting periods.
Deputy Business Ombudsmen Tetyana Korotka and Iaroslav Gregirchak will present systemic recommendations of the Council titled “Abuse of powers by the law enforcement authorities in their relations with business” and “Natural monopolies vs. Competitive business: how to improve relations”.
Date: 4 February (Thursday) at 14:30
Duration: 60 minutes.
Venue: Business Ombudsman Office (Podil Plaza BC,19, G. Skovorody street, 9th floor)
Accreditation of journalists: +38 044 237 74 01 (tel.), info@boi.org.ua (email)

ANNOUNCEMENT: On 4 February Business Ombudsman Will Present the Council’s Results for IV Quarter of 2015