Declaration of Fair and Prudent Administration
The Business Ombudsman Council has developed a Declaration of Fair and Prudent Administration. The document should be used as a guide and practical tool for applying the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure" to real cases and resolving disputes between business and the state.

What does Ukrainian business need from the state?
Fair and Reasonable Administration
Based on a presumption of good faith
Consult First approach
Policy focus in actually applying Ukrainian law, EU acquis and OECD principles to ensure:
1 Reasonableness
2 Proportionality
3 Clarity
4 Impartiality
5 Transparency and stakeholder participation
6 Timeliness
7 Effectiveness
8 Legal certainty
9 Presumption of legality
10 Legitimate expectations
11 Documented decisions and data quality
12 Effective administrative appeal