Subject of complaint: Main Department of State Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster Service of Ukraine (GeoCadaster) in Zaporizhzhia Oblast
Complaint in brief: The Complainant, a company specialized in developing and building wind parks, asked the BOC to help challenge numerous groundless refusals by GeoCadaster in Zaporizhzhia Oblast to grant approval to draw up development plans for the allocation of a land parcel into lease. The series of refusals took place between December 2015 and June 2016.
Action taken: The BOC investigator sent a request to settle the issue of land development plans to GeoCadaster in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Not being satisfied with the answer, the BOC investigator addressed GeoCadaster’s Head Office in Kyiv and the responsible Vice Premier, with a request to ensure an objective review of the Complainant’s application. The Business Ombudsman also personally raised the issue during a meeting with the Governor of Zaporizhzhia in the course of a visit to the oblast on October 3, 2016.
Result achieved: On October 10, the Council was informed by the Complainant that it had been issued a permit to draw up land development plans. The case was closed.
Wind park developer gets permit for land development documentation