Subject of Complaint: State Fiscal Service (SFS), Main Department of the SFS of Ukraine in the City of Kyiv (GD of the SFS in Kyiv)
Complaint in brief: On June 8, 2017, a major grain and oilseed exporter turned to the BOC with a Complaint against the SFS. The SFS has been delaying the VAT refund worth over UAH 64mn for the period November 2016-February 2017. The exporter had been trying to receive the refund on his own, however the tax office would organize additional checks of the Complainant’s business activities. The delay in VAT refund placed the ongoing risk of the company’s current assets’ freeze and jeopardized the fulfillment of its obligations to employees and business partners.
Actions taken: During the month of June the Investigator contacted the SFS representatives several times. Furthermore, the Investigator sent a written request to the SFS asking to solve the Complainant’s issue promptly.
Result achieved: On June 27, the exporter confirmed the VAT refund in full. The case was closed successfully.
The SFS refunded over UAH 64mn to an agricultural company