Object of the complaint: The State Tax Inspection of the Holosiyivskiy District in Kyiv.
Complaint in brief: On June 5, 2015, the Business Ombudsman Council received a complaint from individual entrepreneur about the failure of the State Tax Inspection (STI) office in the Holosiyivskiy District of Kyiv to cancel illegal accruals as ruled by the Administrative Court of Appeal back in February 2015.
Action taken: BOC specialists addressed director of the STI of the Holosiyivskiy District of Kyiv asking that immediate actions be taken to correct the violated rights of the complainant. On July 21, a telephone conversation took place between the supervisor of the relevant department of the STI of Holosiyivskiy District of Kyiv and a BOC employee, during which, in addition to a written response, oral assurances were provided by the tax authorities, that the court decision had been carried out.
Result achieved:The Council received a written response and oral assurances that the decision had been carried out and the case was prepared to be closed.
Systemic problems include failure to carry out court decisions