
SFS registers farm product distributor’s VAT invoices worth over UAH 4mn

Tax issues: Dilatory VAT refund Kyiv

Subject of Complaint: State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS) 
Complaint in brief: On December 1, 2017, a Kyiv-based distributor of agricultural products appealed to the BOC with a complaint against the SFS, which had suspended the registration of company VAT tax invoices worth over UAH 4mn. 
According to the Complainant, an exhaustive package of documents had been submitted for the registration of VAT tax invoices. However, the SFS would not accept them and gave no explanation. The company tried to resolve the situation on its own. It sent additional documents confirming the veracity of its operations and explained the specifics of reselling raw materials.  But this did not help to register tax invoices. 
Actions taken: Having examined the circumstances of the case, the BOC investigator wrote a letter to the SFS requesting that it consider the company’s complaint regarding the registration of tax invoices.
Result achieved: On January 16, 2018, the Complainant informed the Council that the situation had been resolved and the registration of tax invoices had gone ahead. The case was closed successfully. 

Next case:: Cabinet finally delegates key chemical registration functions to MOH