Subject of complaint: Main Department of Kherson Oblasts State Fiscal Service (Kherson Oblast SFS)
Complaint in brief: The Complainant, a farming enterprise, turned to the BOC regarding the Kherson Oblast SFS office’s failure to refund VAT worth over UAH 44mn for August-October 2016.
Actions taken: In December 2016, the BOC addressed officials at the Kherson Oblast SFS office with a request to stop violating the Complainant’s rights. The BOC also submitted Complainant’s issue for consideration at a meeting of the working group between the SFS and the BOC.
Result achieved: On December 26, the Complainant informed the BOC that a VAT refund of UAH 28mn had been received. On February 1, 2017, the Complainant informed the BOC that the outstanding VAT liability had been refunded in full. The case was closed.
SFS refunds farming enterprise VAT worth over UAH 44mn