
Private Agriculture Company “Novovodolazky Rybgosp” gets approval of regime for exploitation of impoundment

Other state regulators StateGeoCadastre Kharkiv region

Subject of complaint: State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine (SAFU)
Complaint in brief: On May 25, 2016, Complainant, registered in Kharkiv Oblast Private Agriculture Company “Novovodolazky Rybgosp”, specialized in fish-breeding, lodged complaint to the BOC regarding allegedly illicit refusal by the SAFU to approve fishery regime for the impoundment.
Several attempts of Complainant to get approval from SAFU were inefficient. Each time SAFU required from the Complainant the additional information.
Action taken: On June 09, the BOC investigator and Complainant had meeting with Head of SAFU on the matter of Complaint. In the course of the meeting the BOC investigator provided recommendation to SAFU to verify the reasons for denials to approve fishery regime for impoundment to Complainant, and to approve the foregoing regime if such reasons are absent.
Result achieved: On 01 August the Complainant informed the BOC that SAFU approved the fishery regime. The case was closed successfully.

Next case:: Procedure of the registration of vehicles improved