Kyiv Customs detained the dye-concentrate imported by the company during customs clearance. It is known the company has been importing concentrate dye from an official manufacturer in Germany over 15 years. This raw material was used by the enterprise in producing components for defense equipment of the Armed Forces. Nevertheless, customs officers questioned the UCG FEA code specified in the declaration, particularly the composition of the product due to alleged presence of drugs in it. An examination of product samples was appointed, which dragged on for a long time. And the goods were kept in the customs warehouse for over a month.
Having looked into the company’s complaint, the Business Ombudsman Council turned to the State Customs Service of Ukraine management team and recommended speeding up the expert examination. A week after applying to the main Customs Office, Kyiv Customs Office completed product samples examination. As a result, the goods were successfully cleared.
No drugs contained – expert examination of goods finally completed